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これは魏と呉の王国は魏王国と戦うために一緒に参加し、古代中国の三国時代( 220から280 ) 、興味深い話です。周瑜、呉王国の主な軍司令官は、朱Geの梁(チーフシュウ王国の大臣、一般的に英国のトップのマスターマインドと見なさ) 10日以内に10万矢を生産するよう命じた。



呂が朱を見に再び来たとき、彼は何も異常が見つかりませんでした。何もどちらか二日目に起こった。三日目の早朝に、朱はボートに乗るために呂を招待した。 20隻が強いロープと一緒に結ばれた。朱の艦隊は曹操(魏王国の王だった人)のキャンプに向けて出航した。


とすぐに曹操陣営が叫んで、ドラムの鼓動を聞いたように、彼らは周キャンプによる奇襲攻撃のためにそれを間違えた。彼らは川に誰も見えなかったので、 3000 bowmenを集めて矢を撃つためにそれらを命じた。かかしの前を素早く矢のフルショットした。


To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats

This is an interesting story from the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in ancient China, when the Wei and Wu kingdoms joined together to fight against the Wei Kingdom. Zhou Yu, the chief military commander of the Wu Kingdom, ordered Zhu Ge Liang (the chief minister of the Shu Kingdom and generally regarded as the kingdoms top master-mind) to produce 100,000 arrows within 10 days.
"Three days is enough, " said Zhu. He also aGREed to be punished if he failed to complete the order.

Zhou mocked that Zhu was looking for self-destruction. On the one hand, Zhou ordered his troops not to provide Zhu with materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to see how Zhu was dealing the problem.

In fact, Zhu had already realized that this was a plot. He asked Lu (who was kind-hearted) to lend him 20 boats, each lined with straw scarecrows and manned by 30 soldiers. He also requested that Lu not tell Zhou what was happening.

When Lu came again to see Zhu, he did not find anything unusual. Nothing happened on the second day either. In the early morning of the third day, Zhu invited Lu for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhus fleet sailed toward the camp of Cao Cao (who was the king of the Wei Kingdom).

A thick mist had spread over the surface of the river. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhus fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhu ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack. Zhu and Lu simply sat inside one of the boats and drank wine to enjoy themselves.

As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistook it for a surprise attack by the Zhou camp. Since they could see nobody on the river, they gathered 3,000 bowmen and ordered them to shoot arrows. The front of the scarecrows was quickly shot full of arrows.

After a while, Zhu had his fleet turn around to expose the other